Turufjell heiskort
1 Dag
Turufjell today consists of a great and compact alpine resort with two lifts and 7 slopes. Here you will find everything from steep slopes to gentle and gentle slopes. Here you can speed down newly prepared slopes, practice new tricks or look for new untouched lines outside the slopes. We are also in the process of planning snow cannons and expanding the facility with a chairlift and slopes in the hillside up towards Kristnatten (1076 m above sea level).
2 dager
Turufjell today consists of a great and compact alpine resort with two lifts and 7 slopes. Here you will find everything from steep slopes to gentle and gentle slopes. Here you can speed down newly prepared slopes, practice new tricks or look for new untouched lines outside the slopes. We are also in the process of planning snow cannons and expanding the facility with a chairlift and slopes in the hillside up towards Kristnatten (1076 m above sea level).
7 dager
Turufjell today consists of a great and compact alpine resort with two lifts and 7 slopes. Here you will find everything from steep slopes to gentle and gentle slopes. Here you can speed down newly prepared slopes, practice new tricks or look for new untouched lines outside the slopes. We are also in the process of planning snow cannons and expanding the facility with a chairlift and slopes in the hillside up towards Kristnatten (1076 m above sea level).
3 Timer
Turufjell today consists of a great and compact alpine resort with two lifts and 7 slopes. Here you will find everything from steep slopes to gentle and gentle slopes. Here you can speed down newly prepared slopes, practice new tricks or look for new untouched lines outside the slopes. We are also in the process of planning snow cannons and expanding the facility with a chairlift and slopes in the hillside up towards Kristnatten (1076 m above sea level).
Turufjell består i dag av et flott og kompakt alpinanlegg med to heiser og 7 nedfarter. Her finner du alt fra bratte heng til slake og snille bakker. Her kan du suse nedover nypreparerte bakker, øve inn ny triks eller lete etter nye urørte linjer utenfor bakkene.
Vi er også i gang med planlegging av snøkanoner og utvidelse av anlegget med stolheis og bakker i lia opp mot Kristnatten (1076 moh).
Turufjellvegen 406